The Power of Umbraco: Our Preferred CMS Platform

11th April 2023 5 minute read
James Baldwin posted by James Baldwin

Umbraco is a leading open-source CMS platform, and here at Studio 42, it's our platform of choice for almost all of our web projects. Today, we'll share why Umbraco holds a special place in our hearts!

We'll explore the powerful features and benefits that make Umbraco the ultimate choice for our web design projects. We'll also draw comparisons to other CMS platforms like WordPress, and highlight why Umbraco stands tall as the preferred option for ease of use, creative freedom, and seamless website management.

What is Umbraco?

Umbraco is a powerful and versatile Content Management System (CMS) that serves as the backbone of numerous websites around the world. It's also an open-source platform, meaning its source code is freely available for developers to view, modify, and extend according to their specific needs. 

This open-source nature empowers web designers and developers, like us at Studio 42, to build highly customisable and tailored web solutions for our clients. 

Why choose Umbraco as our preferred CMS?

With Umbraco's user-friendly interface and extensive range of features, it allows us to create dynamic and engaging websites that perfectly align with our clients' brand identity and objectives. It also allows us to create back-office systems that our customers find extremely easy and intuitive to use when managing their website content.

As a result, Umbraco has become our go-to CMS platform, as it not only offers creative freedom but also provides a solid foundation for building exceptional online experiences.

Intuitive user experience

At Studio 42, we want to offer user-friendly solutions that allow our clients to easily manage their website content. Umbraco excels in this aspect with its intuitive interface, making content updates and site management a breeze. Its user-friendly backend ensures a seamless experience, allowing our clients to focus on their core business activities without getting bogged down by technical complexities.

Creative freedom for bespoke designs

At Studio 42 our design work is all bespoke for our clients, and Umbraco's flexibility and decoupled nature from the front end allows us to unleash our creativity without being restricted by the capabilities of the platform.

Unlike some other CMS platforms, Umbraco grants us the creative freedom to craft captivating websites that stand out from the crowd and leave a lasting impression on visitors.


In the competitive online landscape, search engine optimization (SEO) plays a crucial role in driving success. Umbraco empowers us to implement effective SEO strategies with customisable URLs, easy metadata management, and built-in tools. This focus on SEO ensures that our clients' websites rank well in search engines, enhancing their online visibility and attracting more visitors.

Strong community

As web design enthusiasts, we value the sense of community and collaboration. Umbraco's robust global community resonates with our values. Being part of this community allows us to stay ahead of the latest trends and deliver cutting-edge web design solutions to our clients. The collective expertise and support from fellow developers, designers, and enthusiasts ensure that we always provide the best web design services.

Based on Microsoft technologies

At Studio 42, we're not only passionate about web design and development, but we also bring a deep expertise in Microsoft technologies to the table.

As Microsoft developers, we are well-versed in harnessing the power of technologies like C#. This is where Umbraco truly shines for us as it's also built using the C# programming language. This alignment between our expertise and Umbraco's underlying technology makes it a perfect match for our needs.

Comparing Umbraco with other CMS platforms

While there are various CMS platforms available, one of the most common alternatives is WordPress. Let's explore how Umbraco excels in comparison:

Streamlined website management

Umbraco's user-friendly interface ensures that website management is a breeze for our clients. In contrast, WordPress can sometimes be perceived as more complex, especially for those with limited technical knowledge. A number of our clients who were previously on WordPress said the platform was too easy to make mistakes when adding content, and resulted in poor layouts or simply breaking the site. 

Umbraco's seamless user experience allows our clients to focus on their business without the added burden of technical complexities.

Custom designs and endless possibilities

While WordPress offers templates and themes, they can limit creative freedom, and trying to achieve truly bespoke outcomes using the platform has been described by many as trying to bang square pegs into round holes. 

Umbraco's open-ended architecture allows us to design fully customised websites, perfectly representing our clients' unique brand identity and goals.

Security and reliability

Umbraco boasts a strong security track record, with regular updates to ensure a robust platform. While WordPress also focuses on security, its extensive plugin ecosystem can lead to potential vulnerabilities. Umbraco's commitment to security ensures that our clients' websites are safe and reliable.

Take the first steps on your new website today

We hope this helps explain why Umbraco stands tall as our preferred CMS platform, delivering powerful features, creative freedom, and seamless website management. 

If you're seeking a web design partner that harnesses the power of Umbraco, reach out to us. Together, let's create a stunning website that makes a lasting impression and sets you apart.